May 21, 2021

HCRP Newsletter | The Right Direction

What’s up with Joe?

On Day 1 of Joe Biden taking office as President, one of his first actions as president was to sign an Executive Order stopping the construction of the Keystone Pipeline. Four months later – President Biden waived any sanctions to stop the Russian pipeline into Western Europe. Where’s the liberal media now and why aren’t they screaming “Russian Collusion?”

This is what our country is facing today… the most left-leaning President and Congress talking out of both sides of their mouth and pushing a socialistic agenda down the throats of Americans.  They talk about “building for a better, fairer, and brighter future for every American.” Better for who???

  • Not the thousands of Americans who lost their jobs when the Keystone Pipeline was cancelled in January.
  • Not the thousands of people who work in Harris County in the oil and gas business and related industries that will lose their jobs due to the implementation of the New Green Deal.
  • Not the millions of Americans who have for the first time in decades been safer due to America’s independence from foreign oil.

Never in the history of the Republican Party has our work and your vote been so important. If we don’t take a strong stand against the aggressive left-leaning policies and legislation being pushed by the Democrats nationally and locally, we will see our country changed irrevocably forever.

As the third largest county in the country, Harris County is the firewall to stop the Democrats’ blue wave. The Harris County Republican Party is energized with an army of volunteers ready to go toe to toe with the Democrats in 2022.  Will you stand with us by supporting our “Take It Back in 2022 Campaign?”  Every donation is appreciated and will help us as we look to the 2022 mid-term elections.


Together we can stop this Democrat insanity!

Warm Regards-

Cindy Siegel
Harris County Republican Party