December 9, 2024

Harris County GOP Resolution Urging Harris County Republican Representatives to Vote for Caucus Nominee for Speaker Runoff Elections

Resolution Urging Harris County Republican Representatives to Vote for Caucus Nominee for Speaker Runoff Elections 

WHEREAS, Plank 213 of the 2024 Republican Party of Texas Platform states in part:

Texas Speaker of the House, House Committees, and Legislative Quorum:

In the Texas Legislature:

a) We oppose the use of pledge cards and call for Republican members to caucus after each November General Election to determine, by secure secret ballot, their candidate for Speaker and Speaker Pro Tempore. We also call for Republican members to vote as a unified body for their selected Speaker and Speaker Pro Tempore candidate when the Legislature convenes in regular session, provided that the individual selected in caucus for speaker publicly pledges to comply with the entirety of this plank; and

WHEREAS, the Texas House Republican Caucus met on December 7, 2024, to nominate a candidate for Speaker in compliance with the Platform; and 

WHEREAS, in the third vote, 26 Republican Representatives walked out of the Texas House Republican Caucus vote in an attempt to deny quorum to the Caucus so that a candidate could be elected with Democratic votes; and 

WHEREAS, the Texas House Republican Caucus voted on the third ballot to support Representative David Cook of Tarrant County as their official nominee; and

WHEREAS, after extensive meetings with, and concessions offered by, Representative Dustin Burrows, the Texas House Democratic Caucus, led by radical Houston representative Gene Wu, has “released” its members to vote for a Republican Speaker candidate other than Representative Cook in an effort to stop Republican agenda items such as school choice, ending taxpayer funded lobbying, and ending the practice of appointing Democratic chairs; and

WHEREAS, Representative Burrows released a list of 76 Representatives (38 Republicans and 38 Democrats) who he claims have committed to vote for him; and

WHEREAS, Several Representatives who were on that list have since issued public statements stating that they never approved of being included on the list and support Representative Cook, leaving Representative Burrows with a majority-Democratic coalition; and

WHEREAS, Representative Burrows’s list of purported supporters includes Harris County Republican Representatives Sam Harless and Lacey Hull, alongside Harris County Democratic Representatives Harold Dutton, Ana Hernandez, Ann Johnson, Mary Ann Perez, Jon Rosenthal, Lauren Simmons, and Armando Walle; now

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Harris County Republican Party urges all members of the Texas House Republican Caucus to unite behind Representative David Cook and to immediately and publicly commit to vote for him in the floor vote for Speaker of the House; and 

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Harris County Republican Party calls on Representative Dustin Burrows to immediately suspend any campaign activities for Speaker of the House and to commit to support Representative Cook; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Harris County Republican Party condemns any effort by Republican Representatives to ally with Democrats to elect a Speaker who was not supported by the majority vote of the Texas House Republican Caucus; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Harris County Republican Party commends Representatives Briscoe Cain, Charles Cunningham, Mano DeAyala, Tom Oliverson, Dennis Paul, Mike Schofield, and Valoree Swanson for participating faithfully in the Caucus process outlined in the Platform and for committing to vote for the Caucus nominee for Speaker of the House; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Harris County Republican Party calls on Representatives Harless and Hull to publicly disavow participation in Representative Burrows’s attempt to secure the Speakership against the wishes of the Republican Caucus using a majority-Democratic coalition and to commit to supporting Representative Cook in accordance with the Caucus vote and with the Republican Party of Texas Platform; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Harris County Republican Party shall consider a vote for Representative Burrows, or any other candidate who depends on Democratic votes to be elected and was not supported by the Texas House Republican Caucus, to be Speaker, or a vote for a House Rule to allow a secret ballot vote for the Speaker election, to be a violation of Republican Party of Texas Legislative Priority #4, No Democratic Chairs, for censure under Republican Party of Texas Rule No. 44.

Respectfully submitted to the Harris County Republican Party Executive Committee,

Scott Bowen, SREC SD6, Precinct 416 Chairman

D’Rinda Randall, Republican Party of Texas Vice Chairman, Precinct 768 Chairman

Vergel Cruz, Republican Party of Texas Secretary, Former SREC SD15, Precinct 578 Chairman

Ralph Fite, Republican Party of Texas Treasurer, SREC SD7, Precinct 499 Chairman

Cindy Siegel, Harris County Republican Party Chairman

Josh Flynn, Harris County Republican Party Secretary, Precinct 407 Chairman

Dale Inman, SREC SD4, Senior Pastor of The Woodlands Bible Church

Dawn McDonald, SREC SD6, Precinct 996 Chairman

Deborah Kelting Fite, SREC SD7

Gaylyn DeVine, SREC SD11, Precinct 537 Chairman

Dr. Milinda Morris, SREC SD13, Precinct 490 Chairman

Rolando Garcia, SREC SD15

Brenda Estis, SREC SD15

Pastor Rex Teter, Former SREC SD6, SD6 Chairman, Precinct 302 Chairman

Tom Nobis, Former SREC SD7, Precinct 314 Chairman

Mark Ramsey, Former SREC SD7, Board Member, North Harris County Regional Water Authority

Steve Watson, SD4 Chairman, Precinct 700 Chairman

James Buntrock, SD7 Chairman, Precinct 726 Chairman

Robert Jeter III, SD11 Chairman, Precinct 662 Chairman

Shari Newton, SD13 Chairman, Precinct 564 Chairman

William Rufus Estis, SD15 Chairman, Precinct 448 Chairman

James Clayton, SD17 Chairman, Precinct 362 Chairman

Howard Barker, SD18 Chairman, Precinct 675 Chairman

Phyllis Hildenbrand, Precinct 13 Chairman

Don Hooper, Precinct 16 Chairman

Betty Edwards, Precinct 18 Chairman

Lindsay Lazarus, Precinct 20 Chairman

James Honey, Precinct 21 Chairman

Pastor Evan McClanahan, Precinct 26 Chairman

Al K. Rivera, Precinct 27 Chairman

Paul Cravey, Precinct 28 Chairman

Fausto Nolasco, Precinct 44 Chairman

Terry King, Precinct 49 Chairman

Manuel Ramirez, Precinct 62 Chairman

Susan Helms, Precinct 83 Chairman

Frank Monacelli, Precinct 87 Chairman

James Bowen, Precinct 91 Chairman

Marga Matthews, Precinct 100 Chairman

Cindy Adamek, Precinct 110 Chairman

Judi DeHaan, Precinct 111 Chairman

Amy Duty, Precinct 113 Chairman

Connie Vuong, Precinct 120 Chairman

David Barker, Precinct 126 Chairman, Board Treasurer, North Harris County Regional Water Authority

Douglas L. Berry, Precinct 133 Chairman

Sarah Singleton, Precinct 143 Chairman

Russell Rush, Precinct 155 Chairman

Teresa Thomas, Precinct 173 Chairman, Moms for America State Director

Monica Roberts, Precinct 179 Chairman

David Hokanson, Precinct 183 Chairman

Patricia Phillips, Precinct 189 Chairman

Keith Nielsen, Precinct 190 Chairman, President of San Jacinto Conservatives

Shayne Singer, Precinct 200 Chairman

Jennifer Kruse, Precinct 213 Chairman

Ronald Noblett, Precinct 215 Chairman

Ana Flor Lopez Millan, Precinct 222 Chairman

Alicia Cantrell, Precinct 227 Chairman

Aaron Cichon, Precinct 233 Chairman

Barbara Walker, Precinct 246 Chairman

Erich Wolz, Precinct 255 Chairman

Evelyn Lantz, Precinct 256 Chairman

Charles B. Grindon, Precinct 258 Chairman

Nicholas Hughes, Precinct 266 Chairman

Kristina Chervenka, Precinct 268 Chairman

Gary Sintas Jr., Precinct 279 Chairman

David Nadel, Precinct 287 Chairman

Jim Bigham, Precinct 296 Chairman

Timothy Grant Taft, Precinct 298 Chairman

Roberta Amley, Precinct 299 Chairman

Clark Denson, Precinct 300 Chairman

Elizabeth Lauzon, Precinct 306 Chairman

Erin Boyd, Precinct 307 Chairman

Claud Roundtree, Precinct 310 Chairman

Joyce Clingerman, Precinct 320 Chairman

Cordelia Harwood Ewing, Precinct 330 Chairman

Paola Velasco, Precinct 347 Chairman

Shannon Mitchel, Precinct 350 Chairman

Marshall Bates, Precinct 360 Chairman

Clinton Thornburg, Precinct 364 Chairman

Hayward Babin, Precinct 368 Chairman

Jennifer Henry, Precinct 370 Chairman

John Randall, Precinct 383 Chairman

Charles Peyton Rushing, Precinct 385 Chairman

John Isaacks, Precinct 386 Chairman

Sheila Bernhard, Precinct 295 Chairman

Heather Palomo, Precinct 398 Chairman

Daniel Johns, Precinct 408 Chairman

Justin Watkins, Precinct 415 Chairman

Bill Fagan, Precinct 421 Chairman, Vacancy Committee Vice Chairman

Peter Bowen, Precinct 425 Chairman

Craig Holtzclaw, Precinct 427 Chairman

Damian Derby, Precinct 438 Chairman

Thomas Bray, Precinct 443 Chairman

Eric Vasquez, Precinct 444 Chairman

Katherine Foster, Precinct 451 Chairman

Jason Bishop, Precinct 456 Chairman

Audra Deaver, Precinct 459 Chairman

Lisa Wiggins McMinn, Precinct 465 Chairman

Tiffany Patenaude, Precinct 470 Chairman

Charlotte Mays, Precinct 468 Chairman

Tracy Lynn Shannon, Precinct 469 Chairman

Rodney Deschamps, Precinct 479 Chairman

Melissa Rowell, Precinct 480 Chairman, Board President, North Harris County Regional Water Authority

Robert Boudreaux, Precinct 486 Chairman

John Dzung Truong, Precinct 487 Chairman

Debra Pannell, Precinct 513 Chairman

William Arthur Potter, Precinct 518 Chairman

Curtis McKinley, Precinct 519 Chairman

Dore Sulistyo, Precinct 522 Chairman

Cynthia Leigh Coker, Precinct 532 Chairman

Meg Seff, Precinct 540 Chairman

Ommer Newell Cheatheam, Precinct 547 Chairman

Jeff L. MacGeorge, Precinct 548 Chairman

Martin Renteria, Precinct 552 Chairman

Kendrick Dean, Precinct 566 Chairman

Marsha Bujnoch, Precinct 568 Chairman

Martha Velasquez, Precinct 575 Chairman, Director, Bridgestone MUD, President, Gosling Pines HOA

Robert Fuller, Precinct 588 Chairman

Alexie Swirsky, Precinct 597 Chairman

Michael Walton, Precinct 601 Chairman

Darryl Aldrich, Precinct 603 Chairman

Janet Southern, Precinct 610 Chairman

Samuel Marinov, Precinct 616 Chairman

Mary Ellen Cuzela, Precinct 619 Chairman, Trustee, Katy ISD

Linda Nuttall, Precinct 622 Chairman

Jim McSpadden, Precinct 625 Chairman

Donald McKenty, Precinct 640 Chairman
Tommy Blake Slocum, Sr., Precinct 641 Chairman

Russell Metzler, Precinct 643 Chairman

George Sargent, Precinct 645 Lead (Adopted)

Charles E. Cupples, Precinct 646 Chairman

Marina Trevino, Precinct 655 Chairman

Thomas Bazan, Precinct 661 Chairman

Nikki Nisbet Fagan, Precinct 663 Chairman

Christian V. Garcia, Precinct 664 Chairman

Joe Kelly, Precinct 665 Chairman

Gwen Bullock, Precinct 668 Chairman

Tracey Chilla, Precinct 674 Chairman and SD4 Vice Chairman

J. R. Haas, Precinct 684 Chairman

Teri Rostron, Precinct 688 Chairman

Frederick A. Box, Precinct 696 Chairman

Deborah Smith, Precinct 703 Chairman

Jenny Limcher, Precinct 704 Chairman

Carrie Whillock, Precinct 709 Chairman

Stephen Brownlow, Precinct 712 Chairman

David Farrington, Precinct 713 Chairman

Steve May, Precinct 715 Chairman

Karen Plante, Precinct 718 Chairman

Luke Cowan, Precinct 721 Chairman

James Simmons, Precinct 724 Chairman

Joseph McReynolds, Precinct 730 Chairman

Joseph R. Spence, Precinct 732 Chairman

George W. Porter Jr., Precinct 734 Chairman, Military Partnership Committee Vice-Chairman

Gavin Babineaux, Precinct 741 Chairman

Mary Corbin, Precinct 744 Chairman

Erroll Ivery, Precinct 748 Chairman

Eric Biersdorfer, Precinct 751 Chairman

Tamara Rodriguez, Precinct 759 Chairman

Maria Luiza Garza, Precinct 762 Chairman

Carmen Cavazos, Precinct 763 Chairman

Dave Bennett, Precinct 765 Chairman

Mark Callahan, Precinct 790 Chairman

Drake Cameron, Precinct 805 Chairman

Vicki Kunetka, Precinct 813 Chairman

Michael Wolfe, Precinct 820 Chairman

William Ely, Precinct 844 Chairman

Diana Gee, Precinct 852 Chairman

Frank C. Lytle, Precinct 860 Chairman

Jan Ray Hendricks, Precinct 880 Chairman

George Brian Vachris, Precinct 885 Chairman

Julie Hunt, Precinct 894 Chairman

Matthew Goitia, Precinct 895 Chairman

Leo Kozadinos, Precinct 896 Chairman

Christopher Wilson, Precinct 901 Chairman

Miles Sasser, Precinct 902 Chairman

James Sword, Precinct 912 Chairman

Shirley Kitchens, Precinct 915 Chairman

Rev. Thomas H. Herold, Precinct 935 Chairman

Terry Wheeler, Precinct 972 Chairman

Ronald E. Carr, Precinct 973 Chairman

Mark Calabrese, Precinct 982 Chairman

Donald Smither, Precinct 995 Chairman

Loren Bruening, Precinct 1008 Chairman

Marianne Martinez, Precinct 1021 Chairman

Patrick McNerney, Precinct 1056 Chairman

Donald Ray Davis, Precinct 1061 Chairman

Daniel McLachlan, Precinct 1084 Chairman

Brian Boznango, Precinct 1093 Chairman

Tracy Sonnier, Precinct 1096 Chairman, Retired Law Enforcement

Deborah Guitian Roan, Precinct 1101 Chairman

David Velasquez, Precinct 1102 Chairman

Dan Hudson, Precinct 1104 Chairman

Rodney Giles, Precinct 1145 Chairman

Donald Sickafoose, Precinct 1146 Chairman

Jeff Ivey, Precinct 1166 Chairman

Sara Casper, Early Voting Ballot Board Poll Watcher

Christopher Green, HD128 Resident

Pastor Rodney Sims, HD128 Resident

Jennifer Mathews, Former Precinct Chair, HD127 Resident